They’ll look back on these pics in a few years and thank me! {winslow, england}

Hello friends! During our holiday, we went to a fox hunt in Winslow England. They don’t actually hunt foxes any more, but it was all very traditional and charming–complete with red coats, hounds and mince pies. It was something straight out of Downton Abbey. So fun!

I’ve been so jet lagged coming home. Fighting a cold along with not sleeping during the correct hours has me exhausted. I’ve been going to bed by 8pm and waking up way to early. Crazy!

It’s Monday and I have lots of pics to share from our day in Winslow. And of course, hellos for a brand new week! It’s Monday–let’s do this!
winslow england -07Hello beautiful horses and traditional red coats.

winslow england -04Hello cousins.

winslow england -13Hello bright red berries.

winslow england -06Hello hounds! They were adorable–but definitely working dogs.

winslow england -10Hello English cousins. I’m so thankful for these people.

winslow england -11Hello picture taking. Isn’t he cute?!

winslow england -12Hello Matthias. You have become such a great traveler!

winslow england -14Hello brothers. Hello heart-melting.

winslow england -09Hello beautiful trees and old estates. England just can’t help how charming it is!

winslow england -05Hello to my three favorite boys.

winslow england -16Hello smiles and exploring.

winslow england -17Hello making memories together.

winslow england -19Hello mince pies. I ate a lot of mince pies. Yum!

winslow england -23Hello stopping to take another pic. They’ll look back on these pics in a few years and thank me!

winslow england -26Hello old church where our cousins got married years ago!

winslow england -30Hello Phoebe getting a lift from daddy. Life is good!

Hello still unpacking from our trip.

Hello taking the tree down. It’s down. And the house feels more quiet.

Hello tail end of a cold. The sniffles seem to last forever.

Hello rain and rain and more rain. Love it.

Hello celebrating Matthias this week. He is turning 12 years old. My baby!!

Hello laundry. I swear it multiplies while we sleep. How can we still have a mountain when I did 10 loads last week?!

Hello to YOU. It’s a brand new week with beauty to be found. Join me?

What are you saying hello to this week?

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