capture the sun.

we’ve had lots of rainy weather over the last couple weeks–which is great, but the sun feels sooo good today. pouring in my bedroom window while i grab a couple minutes to read *seeing the everyday* magazine. watching matty jump off the flowerbed in the back yard because ‘buzz lightyear can fly’. so i’ll soak it up, capture it in a pic, and share it with you!


  1. hey denise! its a really beautiful magazine full of photos, stories and everyday beauty. no ads, just articles. i enjoy it. sometimes the areticles are intense. in this last issue, there was a series of letters written by a 6 year old girl whose mother had just died. she was writing to her mom and telling her how much she missed her and just about her days. it broke my heart. but of course there are many joyful stories, too! i think the brains behind it might be christians, but i can’t say for sure. xo

  2. heather–howdy neighbor!! i took that pic with my remote. i’ve been having fun basically shooting right into the sun. it gives such a glow. xo

  3. Lisa-
    What a wonderful picture – you make me want to subscribe to that magazine !!!
    I am looking forward to March to see your feature for the month !

  4. Gorgeous! Please share your secrets! And, who, pray tell, took the gorgeous picture of you? Is your hubby an amazing photog, too??

    P.S. We’re Central Coast neighbors! Lovin’ the sunshine, too. Ahhhh!

  5. love these pics ~ I’m just loving my new camera and have been doing lots of experimenting ~ you are giving me ideas!!
    Lisa, hope you have a beautiful sun filled day!

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