
Deals and discounts are waiting for you—

sign up now to start earning points!


sign up

It’s free, super easy, and a few clicks away. As a Welcome & Thank You Gift, I’m giving you 200 points to start with!

Start now!

earn points

Get reward points when you place an order, post a review, and more!

(read below)

be rewarded!

Use your reward points to receive discounts off your next order. Become my BFF to receive the most discounts!

birthday special

Add your birth date to your account info
to get 200 points on your birthday!

spend and earn

You'll get 1 point per $1
spent on each order

20 points for product review

You’ll get 20 points for each approved
product review (max of 5 reviews)

how do I earn points from my order?

You must be logged into your account to earn reward points on each transaction. Login Here

where do I redeem my points?

If you have enough points to redeem a discount, you will see your available points under “Payment Method” when you check out.

why did I not get my birthday points?

You must add your birth date to your account information before the day of your birthday.

can I get points for past transactions?

Unfortunately, not at this time. Feel free to contact our Customer Support team if you have further questions!

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